The proper dry ice blasting equipment and dry ice blasting machines must be used

Dry ice blasting equipment can be applied to practically all types of dirt. The blasting material of our dry ice blasting equipment is frozen CO². Dry ice blasting is a revolutionary blasting method that uses small, compact dry ice pellets as the blasting material. Many people do not realize that dry ice blasting can be used on so many different applications in a food processing facility. Dry Ice Blasting is particularly effective at cleaning industrial and production equipment. Dry ice blasting is a new form of non-abrasive blasting for industrial cleaning applications. Dry ice blasting equiment has a wide range of cleaning applications.

Dry ice blasting is a revolutionary cleaning technology. Dry ice blasting is known by several names: dry ice blasting, dry ice cleaning, CO2 blasting, dry ice dusting, and even environmentally sustainable cleaning. Dry ice blasting is non-abrasive and will not damage sensitive equipment. Dry ice blasting propels pellets of dry ice at high speeds. Traditional Dry Ice Blasting: This is the most readily available form of dry ice blasting and uses rice-sized particles of dry ice that disappear on impact.

Instead, dry ice blasting equipment is usually available or contractor services may be used. We have two different capacity dry ice blasting machines available for rent. There are also many manufacturers of Dry Ice Blast Cleaning Equipment that offer training and lease-purchase of their equipment. The opportunity to have the dry ice blasting equipment pay for itself has never been better.

Since it is non-abrasive, dry ice blasting will not damage critical equipment. The Dry Ice Blasting process is superior to blasting with sand, glass beads and other types of cleaning methods for numerous reasons. Dry ice blasting is similar to cleaning or blasting with sand but with a major difference. There are many different dry ice blast cleaning systems to offer. Regional Supplier of Dry Ice Products and Dry Ice Services. Read more about it on

Cold Jet offers the most innovative and dependable dry ice blasting systems on the market. Also unlike other blasting media types…dry ice blasting leaves no hazardous material to dispose of at a huge expense! Dry Ice Blasting services are offered on-site and through in-house blasting facilities. Dry ice blasting allows cleaning to be performed while machines are running, without the need for dismantling. When it comes to dry ice blasting machines not all are created equal.